Thursday, December 29, 2011

"12 in 2012" Challenge!

For our "12 in 2012" Challenge!
Decide and commit NOW to do something with ALL YOUR PHOTOS and memories in 2012 by planning to attend our Digi Crops each month and Publish 12 projects in 2012!

Each Digi Crop will have a basic beginners and intermediate class to help you get the most out of your HM Studio, inspirational ideas for your photo displays, time to work on that CURRANT Family yearbook, AND great people to hang out with!

Don't pass the opportunity to accomplish the same goal you set each year.  Start with a clean slate & commit yourself to your photos & memory preservation!  Come Digibook with me & your friends!

Register online at

See you soon,
P.S. start uploading those photos!


Monday, November 14, 2011

SAVINGS to be had EACH Week!!

Each week we've got special deals to tickle your creative bone!  Be sure to take advantage of them, I know I will be!  Especially for Christmas!  Click here for weekly deals!

And Remember, If you are doing holiday cards with photos this year (even Costco), please give me a chance to wow you and be your card supplier. With cards as low as $0.42 per personalized card WITH an envelope, and a great variety to choose from, we'll find what finds your personality & budget!! AND... we can stamp, seal, address and mail em for you too!!! Really!

Digi Crop is THIS Saturday, November 19th  Click here to Register!  We will show you how to create your Christmas Cards in just 20 minutes & have a beginners class!  
Register TODAY!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Planning ahead!

DOUBLE YOUR DOLLARS with the Heritage Makers Holiday Hits Program! Here's how to get the BIGGEST DISCOUNT on your Holiday cards, gifts, etc...

1) Sign up for Club HM Bronze (save 25%), Silver (save 30%), or Gold (save 35%) on your monthly publishing points! And remember you can also add 100 publishing points for just $50 when you order your Club through me for the first time.

2) PUBLISH your cards during the month of November and receive an ADDITIONAL 20% OFF! Check out the weekly discounts in November. Publish during the week that your favorite product is on sale and get an ADDITIONAL 10% OFF!
 There is nothing like a great plan that comes together - if you'd like a bit more help in adding up what you need,  use this:
Be sure to register for our upcoming Digi Crops to get the One on One help you need!  Nov. 12th & 26th at

Please let me know you have registered and I will save you a seat by me so we can work together.

Me :o)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Moments!

Make it in Moments

Want to be the room mother with the most at your child’s Halloween school party, hand out something special at trick or treating time or make favors for a Halloween party? Try trick or treat favor boxes from Creative Team member Michelle Wolfley. They’re called “Spooky Halloween Party Favor Boxes,” 68460, and “Monster Halloween Party Favor Boxes,” 68457, and are both made from 12 x 12 scrap pages.


1.    Personalize the name on the template. Use your child’s name for school treats or your family name for treats to be handed out at your door or at “trunk or treat” events.

2.    Make any design changes you desire, remembering to duplicate any changes on all four boxes.

3.    Calculate the number of boxes you need. Divide by four and have that number of pages printed.

4.    When printed pages arrive, cut out each box carefully.

5.    Fold each of the triangles upward to form a pyramid out of each box.

6.    Punch out black circles at tips of triangles.

7.    Fill with candy of your choice.

8.    Thread ribbon through each punched hole.

9.    Bringing points of triangles together, tie ribbon into a bow.

Memorable and personalized Halloween favors are easy with your Club HM membership and our Studio templates. Try these tricky treat boxes tonight!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween High Jinx!


Did you know that Halloween is only the 2nd largest spending holiday next to Christmas!!  AMAZING! Not to mention one of my families FAVORITE Holidays!  Check out some of the fun Halloween projects from our latest Inspirations Class with Lynda Angelastro!
There are SO many fun things you can do to personalize your favorite holiday!

To stretch your dollar even further use our "Import" button and change these "deck of cards ~ 25pts" to "business cards~ 50 cards for 7pts"!  So much fun!

To watch her entire class click HERE - and go to Archived Classes, scroll to Inspirational classes.  Be sure to also attend my upcoming events - online classes, Digi Sessions, and Digi Crops!  Registration located at the top left hand side!

Happy Digi - making!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE Premier Weekend!

Oh how I just LOVE these kinds of weekends for my clients!!

If you would like to sample the fun and functionality of a Premier account, here's a no-risk opportunity for you. From September 30 – October 3, Heritage Makers is offering a FREE Premier Weekend! During this period you can have full reign over the entire art and template collection at absolutely no cost! Explore the offerings of Premier by making a personalized card for a loved one for World Card Making Day (October 1st), or let your creative passion extend to photo gifts, wrapped canvases, storybooks, or any number of other beautiful Heritage Makers projects. Where will your creativity take you?

To participate in FREE Premier Weekend simply log into Studio and click on the “unlock Premier” button. This button will be available from September 30 – noon October 3 (MDT). 

Don't miss out on the fun, create with us, then show us your stuff on our group Facebook page!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Scrapbook USA Expo - THIS WEEKEND!!

Be sure to come with your laptops - We're in the Digi Lounge and can Digi with the best!!  We will be having our own HM Digi Crop at the Lounge Friday Night!  Just tell them you are there to Digi with Heritage Makers to get your table space!!

Need a coupon?  Got cha covered!!!
Classes are also available:
  • Friday with Heidi Arave - 12:30pm - register at
  • Saturday with Karie Sigua - 12:30pm - register at

See you at the Show!!!

P.S.  remember to register for our Digi Crop next weekend on Sept 17th!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Join Me on Facebook!

I am SO excited to announce our very own Facebook Group!  Just like at our Digi Crops we can reach out to each other across the globe and inspire each other with the personal, heart felt projects that we create. 

I would love to become friends with you on facebook, get to know you more on a personal level, and feel your excitement and energy as you publish your projects.

I will be looking for you on facebook, so please accept my friend request & join our FB Group!

"Karie Sigua's AWESOME Club HM Clients!"!/groups/159924967420745/

See you on Facebook!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Time Over!?

Before we knew it, its August, and we're back in the hussle & bussle of SCHOOL!!  Schedules are filling up, school shopping has begun, but do we really have to say 'good-bye' to summer?

I say Neigh!!  Not Yet!  This month we are celebrating Vacations BIG and small!!  How wonderful that we get 10% off the base price of our 12x12 books and flip/swatch books!!!  LOVE IT!

Be sure to take advantage of our classes and digi crops!  You'll have LOTS to inspire you such as our Inspirations Class by Lynda Angelastro - Tonight , Aug 11th at 7pm!  Register at

We'll show you how to make those vacation memories live longer by recording them in both tried-and-true and brand new projects.

Upcoming Event Schedule

Online Tuesday Evening Classes - 9pm Register at

Thursday Night Mini Digi Crops - 9pm, my home in Orem UT. Contact me for details.

HM User Group Digi Crops - Each Month:
Utah Valley Group is Aug 27th, 2011 5pm-11pm. Cost $10; bring laptop, and show'n tell project to win fabulous prize! Registration Link:

SLC Digi Crop -
Cost $10; bring laptop & show'n tell. Register at

Scrapbook USA Expo - Sept 9 & 10:
COUPON CODE: heritage2
GOOD FOR: $2 off regular admission/$4 off 2day pass
Website for purchasing tickets 

Contact me for questions and HAPPY "Back To School" Month!!!   :o)

Friday, July 29, 2011

2 more days!

Wow, where does the time go?  Can you believe its almost August!?  School is almost back in and I know I'm not ready!  I just started my Christmas List!! 

But I do have to say I'm VERY excited to get these projects in the mail!!  AND I even get to take advantage of that extra 10% off in addition to my Club HM Discount of 25% off this month - AWESOME!!!!

Can I just say how much I feel in love with this collection!!  It matches my house, gives comfort, I'm SO excited!! This canvas is going in my bathroom, which is beach themed. :o)

 This next canvas is going in my entry way so my kids see it ALL the time and remember who they are!!  :o)

Both Canvases were done in one afternoon, the most time consuming part was deciding what our name stood for, and picking out the beach decor.  LoL  Really, when you have so much to choose from, and you love it all, it's hard to narrow it down!

 Be sure to take advantage of that extra 10% off this month, if you need more ideas' visit the TEMPLATE GALLERY!  There are many things you can create in 2 days from vacation books, to a 'Time Capsule' book, to a portfolio, and don't forget your Canvas!  A perfect gift for Birthdays, Christmas, any holiday really!

If you want to save BIG, be sure you're signed up with CLUB HM!  Our Christmas in July Special is the BEST Bang for your Buck!!  Call me, happy to help!

Karie #801-362-2718

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Refer your friends & get 50% off Coupons!!!

Could it BE so Easy!?!? 
 Yes, it can! 

Many of us have friends interested in the projects (books, canvases, Christmas cards, etc) we create, and THEY want in!  Now, not only do you get to show them how they can $AVE by becoming Club HM Members, but YOU can Save TOOYou can get a 50% off coupon for EACH referral that signs up! Perfect for our Christmas in July promotion!

*click photo to enlarge image.  FAQ's HERE!

Workshop dates are available, contact me to schedule your's.  AND, don't forget to invite friends/family to our events - Digi Sessions, Digi Crops, Online classes; the schedule & registration links are to your left on this blog.  There is a class for EVERYONE's schedule!

Call or email me TODAY!
Karie Sigua ~ 801-362-2718,

Friday, July 1, 2011

Christmas In July!

Oh yes, this is what I'll be doing - sitting on the beach, creating gifts!!  Most importantly, I'll be avoiding that last minute Christmas Rush!  My goal - to actually enjoy Christmas holidays, and not get caught up in the mayhem!

Want to do the same!?  Who doesn't want to, is a much better question!  Ok, so here is the deal.  Simply add up the points for the gifts you want to give this year.

  • Neighbor gift 6x6 tiles - $4 for a 12x12 page, give you 4 tile toppers - 12 neighbors - that's $12pts.  
  • Mom & Dad's 16x20 Family Canvas - that's $90 points
  • Sister 11x14 poster - $5pts
  • Brothers Photography 20x20 Canvas - $90pts
  • In- Laws 8x8 Summer Vacation Book - $50pts
  • Mom's Mission Story - $70pts
  • Personalized Home Decor - Deck of Cards Banner, plate settings, - $25pts
  • Kids Karate Book
  • Johns Scout Book
  • Marin's - "Once upon a Princess book"
You get the idea ...

Once all added up - divide you points up over the next 6 months. Look over our payment plan options below, being sure to factor in the DISCOUNT you want, and Voila!  You've got a plan that WORKS for you!

Now don't forget, we have LOTS of Digi Crop Dates, & Classes scheduled to help you get the most of your Heritage Makers Studio. Links and dates are to your left on this blog.
  1. Online Classes - Every TUESDAY Evening at 9pm (when all is quiet at your home!)
  2. Live Digi Sessions - Every THURSDAY Evening My Home - in Orem, UT after monkeys are in bed.
  3. Digi Crops - 2nd Saturday of EACH Month.
  4. and we also have a TON of archived classes online for your convenience as well.
Our next Digi Crop is Saturday - July 9th.  There will be LOTS of great inspirational ideas for you as we will be holding the crop at Heritage Makers Home Office!  Please let me know if you have questions.  You're going to have SO much fun, and LOVE the great payment plan options & savings you'll receive!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July Digi Crop for UTAH VALLEY!!

Are you guys ready for Christmas in JULY!?

I am! There are so many things to do! We will hold the Digi-crop at our Heritage Makers Corporate office. The building is just West of No More Mortgage (the bldg we had been holding the event at.)  You will be able to see Heritage Makers best designers work displayed, see what your friends are working on & get some amazing ideas!

To register for the Digi-crop please visit and click on "EVENT REGISTRATION" (found just below the pictures at the top of the website). Space is limited so make sure to reserve yours & your friends spots and buy your tickets asap!

The cost is $10 and includes classes and dinner.

DATE: JULY 9, 2011 (Saturday)
TIME: 5-11 PM
LOCATION: 1837 S East Bay Blvd, Provo, UT

See ya soon!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sooo, Life Happened! :o)

So, I'm looking over my blog and there aren't a lot of recent creative type posts and that is so sad! I think sometimes life just gets the the way of your "To Do List". And that is as it should be! That said, I am back to a summer schedule AND CAN POST!

We just got back from our Family reunion which was a MAJOR part of my crazy life the past few weeks, but was awesome to see many of my family I haven't seen in years.  For the reunion I created 6x6 "Thank You" tiles for my amazing reunion committee, 4x4 tiles for all who donated to our fundraisers, a deck of "Family Fun Fact" cards (found in the template gallery), and a family history book that is now in its final draft.

So, what am I working on right now?
Really the possibilities are endless.  Inspiration lurks around each Digital class, template gallery page, and at our Digi Crops - I have Marins baby book, client business cards, and a family history canvas ~ But, what I'm really excited about is ...
The latest Club HM contest! Are you interested?
First things first, simply Like Club HM on Facebook. Browse for fantastic ideas and inspirational projects posted by other Club HM Clients and users!  You will LOVE seeing what others are working on and what the latest HM Contests is.  Tonight's class is all about Babies and MORE Babies!!  I myself have a couple new additions coming this summer to our extended family!  CAN"T WAIT!  To share your amazing project and enter current contests, simply post your project from your acct with the FB button and check the box to share with the Club HM page!

Super excited to see what you create!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Digi Crop Info!

The Utah Valley Heritage Makers User Group presents….

The June Digi-Crop!

We have a NEW LOCATION and are hoping that it will be the permanent home for our monthly digi-crop and our NEW QUARTERLY DIGI-RETREAT!
Sorry about the late notice, but we think that you will appreciate that the cost on this one is FREE! Springhill Suites is sponsoring this event so we can test their internet.
AND, just so you know, we specifically picked this place for the lightening-fast internet!

Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011
Time: 5:00-11:00 PM
Cost: FREE!
Bring: A snack to share. Water will be provided.

Provo Springhill Suites
1580 North Freedom Boulevard
Provo, UT 84601
(801) 373-0073

Please register in advance for FREE at

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scrapbook Fair & Digi Crop!

TODAY from 9am to 6pm at the Scrapbook Fairs at UVU!!!

Cost is $5
BRING Your Laptop, friends, neighbors, family!!  We have power and internet to each table!!  We will also have Classes and Stage demo's to help.

If you have ever wanted to show people HM, today is the day to bring them to the Scrapbook Fair, get them on their FREE Account, and TEACH them!!

Come on DOWN!!  :o)

Your Committee & Consultant!!

P.S.... its cloudy today, we give you permission to NOT work outside in your yards, NOT clean your garage, or do any house work!!  :o)

Monday, May 2, 2011

May is Here!

Happy May!  It is so wonderful to have the sun shining, flowers blooming, and children playing outside!!  I am READY for this wonderful weather!  This month is the month to get ready for Graduations and Fathers Day!  There are so many wonderful things you can do and create to tell that special someone how amazing they are!  From college survival kits, to Dad's Junk food buckets, we've got the best ideas for you!

Upcoming Events -
Tuesday Evening Online Classes - 9pm MST - register @

Thursday Evening LIVE mini Digi Crops - My Home, Orem, UT - 9pm after kiddos are in bed, email for details.

SLC Digi Crop - Saturday May 7th, 3pm-7pm, $10, register at

Scrapbook Fair @ UVU, Orem, UT - May 13th & 14, Sign up for Classes and Scrapbook to your hearts content - details and discount tickets online @

Utah Valley Digi Crop Saturday, May 21st, 5:00-11:00 PM, $10 registration includes dinner, classes, FUN! Register at

This is the month to let your imaginations SOAR!!  Come and "Create with Me!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Win an 8x8 BOARD BOOK!

As many of you know, and have experienced, our board books are amazing for our little children's hands.  But sadly, you may have heard, we are discontinuing our board books!!  :o( So why am I giving one away?  BECAUSE I Love them and so do MANY of YOU!

At Leadership Conference this past week we learned that the manufacturing company we print our board books through is having problems with the cropping program which is costing the company a lot of money.  HOWEVER, here is the GREAT News - the company told us that in order for us to get the machine to make the board books in house we needed to reach over 30, 000 Club HM Memberships!   So Here is our Targeted Goal:  I need to get 80 - 120 Clubs by July 31st (I am currently at 17) and YOU can help me!  Here is where the FUN comes in:

Sign up for Club HM to help get our Board Book In house!  When you sign up for Club HM,  you will earn a ticket for our prize drawing at the end of the month. Already signed up for Club HM, you can still participate!! - When your friend signs up for Club HM, You earn a ticket! 
Each Month til July 31, (April, May, June, July) I will draw a winner for a prize on the first of the following Month - and for APRIL it will be a BOARD Book!

April - BOARD BooK - Remember, to get your board book before they are discontinued you MUST have your board book STARTED by April 30th, and PUBLISHED by June 30th.

Join my class TONIGHT at 9pm MST - April 26th - for tips and tricks on creating YOUR board book.  Invite your friends and we'll show them how to create using Studio and tell them MORE about Club HM!  To register for class click HERE.  Send your friends this LINK to register for the class and attend with you! -

Have you seen our cute board books?  Visit our Template Gallery for awesome idea's or click these links.

What I learned in Primary
Before you were 5 - Boy
Tucked In
Contest Details Review:
Join Club HM - Get 1 ticket
Get a Friend to Join Club HM - Get 1 ticket

Think of all the possibilities - Not only will we have our amazing board books back, but as a CLUB HM Member you will receive publishing points at wholesale for all your publishing needs (yearbooks, christmas cards, Home Decor, gifts & more), but you will enjoy Digi Booking with your friends, family and a GREAT Community of creative artists, who share amazing ideas and templates with you!!

Tell all you know and let the fun begin!   Contact me today to get you and your friends signed up for Club HM, if you and 3 of your friends or family sign up together you will qualify for Host Rewards!!

Karie Sigua

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Digi Crop Time!

It’s Digicrop Time!

Come see what it means to create a heritage home and learn how easy it is. I don’t want to just tell you about Heritage Makers storybooking and décor projects; I want you to come enjoy a time to create and learn of new project ideas. Register Today!

Utah Valley Digi-Crop
Saturday, April 9th
5:00-11:00 PM
$10 registration includes dinner, classes, FUN!
Register at

For an introduction to our Digi Crop and Studio, join me Thursday evening at my home where we will do a bit of "Simon Says" to get you ahead of the game at the Digi Crop! 9pm (after all the little ones are in bed of course).  Bring your laptop and a treat to share!  Email me for details and confirmation!

See you soon,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Promotion and Contest! Club HM Deal!

Spring brings new promotions AND contests! I am in the middle of a contest myself and I need your help! We have this program called Club HM which is an incredible monthly deal on publishing.

Here is some info that gives the real skinny on our brand new club!
(Need to see it up close? Simply click the flyer)

Now, that's all good, but where's the big deal for you? Let me lay it out for you.
Here is the Club HM pricing flyer:
(Need to see it up close? Simply click the flyer)

Just call, text or email me to qualify for the special with your Club HM order. I only need 12 by April 10th to win AND to sweeten the deal, I'll even do a drawing for my NEW Club HM members for a FREE $50 in publishing! Doncha just love spring promotions?

Karie Sigua
801-362-2718 Cell & Text

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Scrapbook USA Expo Review!

This Expo was A LOT of fun!!  And we were the ONLY booth with a COUCH!, Yes, a couch!   Our theme was to recreate a "Heritage Home".   It was awesome and I hope many caught the vision!  As both Randy (my hubby) and Heidi (Partner in creativity) said, we DID move into the expo center for the weekend, but it's nice to have it all back at home! 

So for those who are NEW to my blog, I would love to share with you what Heritage Makers is All about.

Heritage Makers is a unique and innovative way to fulfill your scrapbooking needs using today's technology. The company is a Utah Based company and is celebrating their 5 year anniversary this year.  They are the only storybooking company with access to over 50,000+ pieces of digital artwork (800 Digital kits), using the nations best designers such as:
  • Sweet Shoppe Design
  • Scrapwarrior Designs
  • Little Dreamer Designs
  • britt-ish B Designs
  • Inspiration Lane
  • Jady Day Studio by Yari
  • Digital Candy by Lyndsay Riches designs
and MANY More great designers, the company puts the time into finding for us avid, and not so avid scrapbookers to use! Click HERE to view Art! And the best part is each month the company ADD's new art to our collection for FREE!!  (All the Yellow highlighted art is what's new/featured in March!)

Heritage Makers also gives us access to 4800+ pre-designed templates, unlimited photo storage , and a wide variety of products (books, canvases, cards, Home Decor, gifts items & more).  As you saw at our booth, you will create heirloom treasures that will be cherished for generations to come — never to be re-gifted or found at a yard sale.

Hopefully,  many of you still have our flyer that explains the 3 ways you can get started with Heritage Makers, if not, Click HERE!   As explained, when you go with Heritage Makers, you really are only paying for the product you choose to publish (print) depending on your choice of options.

4 Options:
1. Pay FULL RETAIL by ordering straight off the website, or

2. Save 10%- 15% on ANY Products when you order FIRST from me, before you check out, or

3. Save 25%-50% by joining our monthly CLUB HM (check out our community on Facebook) *Contact me to get your 100 publishing points for just $50., or

4. Become a Consultant, get discounts AND Commissions!

And don't forget our upcoming events where you can Digital Scrapbook with others who share you same passion for preserving their memories.
  • Online Tuesday Evening Classes - 9pm Register at
  • Thursday Night Mini Digi Crops - 9pm, my home in Orem UT. Contact me for details.
  • HM User Group Digi Crops - Each Month:
  • Utah Valley Group is April 9th, 2011 5pm-11pm. Cost $10; bring laptop, and show'n tell project to win fabulous prize! Registration Link:
  • SLC Digi Crop - April 2nd, 2011. Cost $10; bring laptop & show'n tell. Register with ME!

Here are some photos of our booth to help you remember your favorite products that brought you into our booth! :o)

I hope you had a wonderful time at the expo.  It was a lot of fun for us at the booth and I am excited to get with you to help you get started. 

Karie Sigua ;o)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Planning a Wedding!?

Are you or someone you know planning a wedding?  I can help!  As you know a wedding is ALL about the details and there is a lot of detail put into a wedding:

For my brides I offer the following suggestions:
Personalized posters, canvases, tile (decor or coasters), Menu Table cards (5x7 invitation), Table Card #'s (5x7 cut in half w/photo on back), Escort cards, Blocks, banners & favors (deck of cards), and of course the guest sign in book.

 *Guest sign in book, not featured in this photo, but is at the bottom of the post.

 11x14 Poster $5 - Click HERE to View

Wedding Favors, Name Banner, escort cards are created with our Deck of Cards - Click HERE to view link. 


  Table #'s and Menu Cards are created with our 5x7 invitations, allowing you to decorate BOTH sides of the card. To view table # cards, click HERE, to view Table Menu click HERE.

Personalized Blocks - $4 per 12x12 sheet - Click HERE to view

Guest Sign in Book -

Of course the possibilities are ENDLESS.  Contact me today to get started!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Got Photos? Let's DIGI!!

Many of us have TONS of photos! But after we go to all the trouble of snapping those important events (weddings, disneyland, birthdays, etc) what do we do with them!? Well, I'm sure I don't need to tell you...but I've found mine under my bed, in the closet, on the computer, in the garage - sound familiar?

NOW is your chance to revive those photos and let your family re-live those special occasions! I really do love my job and what I do, but I can't even tell you how much I've LOVED watching my family look through the 200...8 yearbook I just published - AMAZING!! Just check out the cute photo of Dalin and this book! 

Please join us and learn how you can bring your photos to life in a variety of ways your family will love - of course, using today's time saving technology!!


Date - Saturday, March 19, 2011 *due to unforeseen circumstances we had to postpone event for a week.
Time - 5pm to 11pm
Place - No More Mortgage - PROVO
Cost: $10/person

Bring: Your Laptop (& a Brag Book/Project~optional)
What you get: Registration includes table space, wifi access, dinner, snacks, games, prizes, and lots of good clean FUN!!! Bring a buddy you'd love to laugh at your photos with, and of course feel free to ask questions! There are MANY options for all situations! :o)

For me, well, I didn't realize how "photo book deprived" our house was - I have been doing this for over 2 years!! Guess I just need to work on more of our own family books - things that are going on NOW, TODAY, rather than the family history. As fun as it is to see Gramps and Gram's as kids, I think my kids like to see themselves as babies more! :o)

Just wait, soon you're children will be doing this as a family too!

Here, Teryn is reading the book he made for Marin in his own Heritage Makers account, he was 8 years old when he started. He dressed her up and took photos, uploaded them and made her book. He had to earn the publishing points, which took some time, but he was able to give it to her at Christmas, it was really cool to see them stop playing and forgetting all that was around them to just sit down together and read this book.  Teryn even used his character voices which I can NEVER get him to do doing our reading time together...
Click the link to see the book

See you at our event!!  Click here to see the Facebook Event

Also - remember we have our Children's Spring Photo Event coming Feb 28th!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Limited Time offer - LEATHER Covers!!

If you’ve seen the beautiful leather covers available on the 11 x 13 Legacy books, you may have wished you could put the same elegant cover on a different sized book. Now, for a limited time, you can! Heritage Makers has secured a limited number of leather covers for our 11.5 x 8.5 and 8 x 8 Storybooks. These covers will only be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t wait to take advantage of this option. Just like black end papers and matte covers, it is available as an upgrade at check out.

The cost for the 8 x 8 leather cover is $10, and for the  11.5 x 8.5 is $15. Publishing points can be applied as payment for this upgrade. You can create a new book project, or perhaps you’d like to reprint an existing book with this new and stylish leather covering. You’ll still have your original cover design, only it will be printed as a dust jacket to protect the leather cover.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Children's Spring Photo Shoot Extravaganza!

Have you ever wanted those perfect spring photos of your little ones, but didn't have the props and background? Perhaps you have the perfect camera to take those photos or want a professional to take them at a special discount, well now is your opportunity to get those amazing photos!

I, Karie Sigua, your Heritage Makers Consultant, have teamed up with Tiffany Hancock of Hancock Photography ( and Utah Celebrations ( to bring you our Children's Spring Photo Shoot Extravaganza!

So book your appointment, get your little ones dressed up, and come see us!

Date: Monday, February 28 ·
Time: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Le Chateau Events Center,
1675 North Freedom Blvd. #10G Provo, UT
RSVP: Karie @ 801 -362-2718.

Option 1: Bring your own camera and use our props and backdrop to take as many pictures as you want in 10 minutes for only $15.

Option 2: Hire Hancock Photography for only $40 and receive up to 6 professional images.

Sign up for your FREE Heritage Makers account that day and then enjoy your images as prints, books, posters, playing cards, canvases, and much more from Heritage Makers! *All Guests will receive a FREE 5x7 Greeting Card!

Photo slots are in 10 minute increments, so call to reserve your slot today.
*Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to change clothes and prepare for your photo shoot.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Disney Vacation

I finished our Disney book and just had to share!! :O)

It was our first family trip to Disneyland and it was so much fun.  Jaden has asked me everyday - "Is the book done yet"  or "have you worked on the book more".  I can't wait to get this book back for the kids to enjoy!!  They are already planning our next trip there.

Check out the entire book here - :o)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There is NOTHING like being a Heritage Maker!

You love being a heritage maker. You enjoy preserving your family’s history and creating storybooks and gifts that have meaning far beyond your own lifetime. You see that your family’s values are connected to its history and traditions, and you want to help your children, your grandchildren, and future generations to understand and preserve those things that made them who they are. You love giving a gift that touches others so deeply it brings tears of gratitude to their eyes. This is what makes Heritage Makers such a great organization to be involved with, and what makes you a great candidate to be an HM Personal Publishing Consultant.

Heritage Makers believes that families are our most important responsibility, and we understand that you want a business opportunity that doesn’t require sacrificing what is most important to you. We offer a plan that allows consultants the potential to make a good income without giving up critical time with their families. Our compensation plan is one of the most generous plans in the direct sales industry. We offer many rewards and incentives to our consultants, as well as providing exceptional training and support. We have developed a simple business model that lets you earn money, have fun, and make beautiful and meaningful books, cards, and canvases. You get to have all the advantages of being a heritage maker and earn an income, too.
There are so many reasons why this is the right opportunity for you, and why now is the right time to act. To make it even more appealing, Heritage Makers has reduced the cost of your initial investment to as low as $50! If you’ve been wondering about starting and running your own business with HM, contact me today and let’s talk about the wonderful opportunities that Heritage Makers has to offer. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Our new Club HM has been so successful this month and your excitement and enthusiasm have helped us to build this new program quickly. Already we have over 1,000 new members and our Club HM Facebook page is alive with project ideas and fun online contests. Since we believe the Club is the perfect solution for so many people, we'd like to finish off this first month of the program with a real bang!

For the remainder of January we are offering an introductory incentive for Club HM signups--get the first month of the 70 point level for only $40, or the first month of the 150 point level for only $80! Spread the word, share the savings, and get in on this limited time offer! But act quickly. *Note: If you've already purchased your Club membership, don't worry. Simply contact our Solution Center at 1-866-694-3763 to upgrade to the 70 point or 150 point membership for the discounted difference. For those of you who have already purchased the 70 point or 150 point level and paid full price, we will automatically add an additional 15 points for the 70 point level or 25 points for the 150 point level to your account at the end of the month. All Club HM accounts will renew at the regular price after the first month.

Here’s an opportunity you can’t afford to pass up: Through the rest of January you can purchase a full 12-months of Premier access for only $79.95. That’s a 20% discount off our already discounted yearly Premier plan! Let’s be honest—you need the power of Premier in your life. The 4,000 pre-designed templates give you options for every season and occasion imaginable. And 50,000 digital art pieces make dressing up your photos and stories a pure joy. So contact me TODAY and get back on the path of publishing nirvana. It’s just the right thing to do, especially now before the month ends.