Oh how I just LOVE these kinds of weekends for my clients!!
If you would like to sample the fun and functionality of a Premier account, here's a no-risk opportunity for you. From September 30 – October 3, Heritage Makers is offering a FREE Premier Weekend! During this period you can have full reign over the entire art and template collection at absolutely no cost! Explore the offerings of Premier by making a personalized card for a loved one for World Card Making Day (October 1st), or let your creative passion extend to photo gifts, wrapped canvases, storybooks, or any number of other beautiful Heritage Makers projects. Where will your creativity take you?
To participate in FREE Premier Weekend simply log into Studio and click on the “unlock Premier” button. This button will be available from September 30 – noon October 3 (MDT).
Don't miss out on the fun, create with us, then show us your stuff on our group Facebook page!