Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Children's Spring Photo Shoot Extravaganza!

Have you ever wanted those perfect spring photos of your little ones, but didn't have the props and background? Perhaps you have the perfect camera to take those photos or want a professional to take them at a special discount, well now is your opportunity to get those amazing photos!

I, Karie Sigua, your Heritage Makers Consultant, have teamed up with Tiffany Hancock of Hancock Photography ( and Utah Celebrations ( to bring you our Children's Spring Photo Shoot Extravaganza!

So book your appointment, get your little ones dressed up, and come see us!

Date: Monday, February 28 ·
Time: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Le Chateau Events Center,
1675 North Freedom Blvd. #10G Provo, UT
RSVP: Karie @ 801 -362-2718.

Option 1: Bring your own camera and use our props and backdrop to take as many pictures as you want in 10 minutes for only $15.

Option 2: Hire Hancock Photography for only $40 and receive up to 6 professional images.

Sign up for your FREE Heritage Makers account that day and then enjoy your images as prints, books, posters, playing cards, canvases, and much more from Heritage Makers! *All Guests will receive a FREE 5x7 Greeting Card!

Photo slots are in 10 minute increments, so call to reserve your slot today.
*Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to change clothes and prepare for your photo shoot.