Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Join Me on Facebook!

I am SO excited to announce our very own Facebook Group!  Just like at our Digi Crops we can reach out to each other across the globe and inspire each other with the personal, heart felt projects that we create. 

I would love to become friends with you on facebook, get to know you more on a personal level, and feel your excitement and energy as you publish your projects.

I will be looking for you on facebook, so please accept my friend request & join our FB Group!

"Karie Sigua's AWESOME Club HM Clients!"

See you on Facebook!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Time Over!?

Before we knew it, its August, and we're back in the hussle & bussle of SCHOOL!!  Schedules are filling up, school shopping has begun, but do we really have to say 'good-bye' to summer?

I say Neigh!!  Not Yet!  This month we are celebrating Vacations BIG and small!!  How wonderful that we get 10% off the base price of our 12x12 books and flip/swatch books!!!  LOVE IT!

Be sure to take advantage of our classes and digi crops!  You'll have LOTS to inspire you such as our Inspirations Class by Lynda Angelastro - Tonight , Aug 11th at 7pm!  Register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/168524841

We'll show you how to make those vacation memories live longer by recording them in both tried-and-true and brand new projects.

Upcoming Event Schedule

Online Tuesday Evening Classes - 9pm Register at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/374116544

Thursday Night Mini Digi Crops - 9pm, my home in Orem UT. Contact me for details.

HM User Group Digi Crops - Each Month:
Utah Valley Group is Aug 27th, 2011 5pm-11pm. Cost $10; bring laptop, and show'n tell project to win fabulous prize! Registration Link: http://uvdigicrop.com/

SLC Digi Crop -
Cost $10; bring laptop & show'n tell. Register at http://www.saltlakevalleydigicrop.com

Scrapbook USA Expo - Sept 9 & 10:
COUPON CODE: heritage2
GOOD FOR: $2 off regular admission/$4 off 2day pass
Website for purchasing ticketshttp://www.scrapbookusaexpo.com/ 

Contact me for questions and HAPPY "Back To School" Month!!!   :o)